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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bullying - Department of Human Resources

Bullying - Department of Human ResourcesThe following types of behaviour, where repeated or occurring as part of a pattern of behaviour could be considered bullying:
Examples of bullying:
* Physical or verbal abuse;
* Yelling, screaming or offensive language;
* Excluding or isolating a staff member or student;
* Deliberately withholding information that is vital for effective performance;
* Spreading rumours or innuendo about someone;
* Psychological harassment;
* Unjustified criticism or complaints;
* Intimidation;
* Assigning staff members meaningless tasks unrelated to their job;
* Giving staff members impossible jobs;
* Interfering with someone’s personal property or equipment;
* Deliberately changing work arrangements, such as rosters and leave, to inconvenience particular staff members.

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