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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lady Gaga a victim of teenage bullying | My Kids Health

During an interview with The Guardian, Lady Gaga tells how she was dumped in a rubbish bin on a street corner, by a group of boys from her class. Some girls from the same class were also there, and found the whole experience hilarious. Lady Gaga was mortified, and at the tender age of 14 was left feeling worthless.

During her school years, Gaga, aged 25 was picked on verbally and physically, mainly for being eccentric and theatrical in her behavior, although she was also constantly called fat. The very same behaviour has led, ironically to her being one of the most famous female pop stars on the stage today.

Gaga has expressed empathy with teenagers and children who are bullied at school, understanding how it makes you feel. She said:

Bullying really stays with you your whole life, and it really, really never goes away.

Her peers called her a slut, drew graffiti and vulgarities on her school locker, while the others were left in a pristine state, and got pinched in the school corridors.

The latest single by Lady Gaga has been adopted as an anthem for human rights, with some proceeds from ‘Born this Way’ going to Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network.

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