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Friday, December 10, 2010

Bullying caution - Local News - News - General - Tenterfield Star

Bullying caution - Local News - News - General - Tenterfield Star
Senior Constable Halliday, the police liaison officer for the high school, focused on cyber bullying, telling the students harassment occurs when one person is made to feel threatened or uncomfortable.
He said courts focused on how the victim felt when being harassed when making a ruling, not what the person committing the harassment had intended.
Through a number of case studies, including an example where a young student committed suicide after prolonged bullying, Senior Constable Halliday demonstrated to the students the lasting consequences of cyber bullying.
“Everyone has the right to come to school and not be bullied. My message from all of this is there is only one group who can stop the bullying – you,” he said.
Under the Crimes Act 1900 s60E students could be liable for five years imprisonment for non-physical harassment at school.
If bodily harm is caused through harassment at school, the penalty could increase to seven years, and if permanent injury is caused, the courts could potentially hand out a 12-year sentence.

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